
Landing page


A Dash landing page that is responsive on all platforms. It runs on a mobile, tablet, and desktop pretty smoothly. This landing page includes a form, a calculation section, and a beautiful scooter background. This landing page is done by coding in Visual Studio Code using HTML and CSS.

Portrait photography


This was our portrait final assignment in photography, I really loved doing it as i felt like I can send a message to the world through a picture as is it aimed toward capturing the personality of a person or group of people by using effective lighting, backdrops, and poses.



This was my Sci-Fii poster, which has two versions with different float of the typing

Branding Guide


Here is my Justice for Frog branding assignment that has the logos: full logos, secondary logos, and icons. Color palette: primary and secondary colors. Typography: font styles, sizes, and spacing. Other imagery: photos, illustrations, and artwork.

Small & Medium Animal Icon


These are the small and medium animal icons for apple. The tiny icon is a black and white bird,s head, and the medium icon is the bird.

Large Animal Icon


Here is the large animal icon with full view. Here is where all the wildness happens. There is a full bird in the train, with some gradients used and other natural elements to this icon.